
Please join the Corbitt Preservation Association

Corbitt Preservation Association is now a 503(c)(3) non-profit organization.
Dues and donations are tax deductible to the extent allowed by law. A great time is ensured if you utilize your membership to its full potential. Dues are $ 20 ( or $35 for member and spouse ) annually, give us a try!

Benefits include:

  • Four meetings per year with great fellowship to swap stories about Corbitts.
  • Occasional special entertainment such as former factory workers and drivers of Corbitt vehicles sharing their stories.
  • Also meet members of the Corbitt family.
  • Participation in planning and participation in special events.
  • A wealth of info on Corbitts and valuable info on restoration projects.
  • Our annual Corbitt Truck Show and Reunion where you get to see many
    Corbitt vehicles and people associated with Corbitts.

One of the best conditions for membership is you DO NOT have to own a Corbitt vehicle for membership, just a love for them.

Please join the Corbitt Preservation Association by printing the form at the “Join Form” tab on this website, fill it out on your computer, print and mail it along with your dues, or you may access the form here: Membership Form

Please make checks payable to:

Corbitt Preservation Association (CPA)
8033 Hicksboro Rd
Oxford, NC 27565


Yearly dues are due by the November meeting.

Questions may also be mailed to this address.